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Primer dia superat!

L'Escala Xanascat | Combinades d'anglès i multiesportives - de de 8 a 12 anys - al
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Molt bona tarda famílies!
Com esteu? Nosaltres ens hem aixecat amb molta energia per començar el dia a tope que tenim moltes ganes.

Avui al matí amb el grup de Teens hem fet les activitats de Tir amb arc, jocs cooperatius i olimpíades. Han sigut unes activitats molt divertides, on hem pogut tenir l'oportunitat de conèixer-nos més entre nosaltres, de crear vincles i gaudir molt amb l'equip de monitors i monitores. Després han baixat a la platja i han acabat al matí amb unes olimpíades, on han hagut de superar diferents proves i jocs per equips.
Today Escopinyes have been brainstorming about our project after doing some games and finally, once having turned down some amazing ideas, we have decided to do an XXL Game Console inspired in the Mario Bros Game, creating the cotrollers, the characters and the instructions, among other things.

Anxoves started with some games to get to know each other better. They played a “Cloud”, a “Find someone who” and a “Doctor’s love”. After the snack, they had to decide the project, they had a lot of ideas but ended up chosing a Cluedo.

Today at English time with Gambes we decided the project, which is going to be a 'Velada of the year' playing chicken fight in the beach. They are very motivated and we had a lot of fun giving shape to the project. After the snack we played a game called "The Village".

Després de dinar hem fet el taller de cartells d'habitacions.

A la tarda els grups dels Kids han fet les mateixes activitats que els grans, hem pogut observar que tenen molta cooperació entre tots i totes, i de mica en mica ja es van coneixent més. També han fet olimpíades on han gaudit moltíssim de totes les proves, no volien que s'acabessin i volen repetir l'activitat.

The first day of English with the Dolphins has been amazingly fun! We have started playing many presentation games like 2 truths and one lie. After the snack, we have been choosing our project. After the brainstorming, we have decided that we want to do a summercamp recap video and a shippeo box. We are so motivated and willing to make the project work!

Catxalots today did games like 'The Garlic Phone' or 'The infiltrated' to get to know each other a little bit better and they started doing their project, a musical bingo!

Today Pops started the class doing different dinamics in English in order to know something more about the members of their group. After the snack, they have done a brainstorming to decided which project they are going to do and how they are going to organise it.


Ara ens anem a dutxar i agafar forces pel joc de nit.

Fins demà!