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Primer dia superat!

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Bona tardaa familiaaaa!!!Avui ens hem aixecat al ritme de la música i hem baixat a esmorzar per agafar molta energia pel dia d'avui que la necessitem!!!

Today the Escopinyes group have played active games in english and we have had an incredible time! We have also started our diary where we will write about the incredible experiences that we will live in this summer camp.Today the anchovies have started the class deciding the project, which will be a scape room and a gymcana.

They have collaborated together and have agreed to divide the tasks. After the snack they have done different dynamics in English to unite as a group.Finally, gambes have kicked off the day with some icebreakers. The group is highly motivated for the project that we choose, and the class dynamic is very good!!!

Els Pops, els Dofins i els Catxalots al matí han fet l'activitat de tir amb arc, olimpíades i outdoor. Ha sigut un matí on han pogut conèixer una mica més als Companys i companyes, cohesionar una mica més entre tots i totes, i acabar amb unes pedazos olimpíades.

Després de dinar, hem fet el taller de cartells d'habitacions.

A la tarda les Escopinyes, Anxoves i Gambes han fet tir amb arc, on hem vist que tenen una punteria molt bona, han fet jocs per conèixer i fer més caliu en el grup. Hem acabat a la platja fent les olimpíades de l'Escala 2024.

As for Dofins, we did a presentation of ourselves, and then we did some games to know more of each others. After snack, we did some water games with Pops and Catxalots.As for the "pops", we have done some activities in order to get to know each other. They have had a lot of fun and they are starting to create a bond between them.Then, during the second half of the class, all together with "els dofins" and "els catxalots", we have done some games with water.

Catxalots' group started the day at the beach with some amazing olimpíades and water games. After lunch we have started brainstorming about our breathtaking new project. For the moment we are thinking on doing some Cluedo with games and clues. We ended the class with some water games.

Ara ens hem duxat, soparem i farem el joc de nit, per descobrir el codi secret de l'Escala.


Fins demà famíliaaaa!!!